How Drones Are Used in Ways You Would Have Never Thought

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Ábel Lengyel

Training and Marketing Coordinator

November 4, 2024

5-10 min. read

Drones have evolved into essential tools across various industries, transforming tasks from cleaning skyscrapers to enhancing agricultural efficiency. Discover the innovative use cases that reveal the remarkable potential of these flying machines!

What you’ll learn in this article

There is More to Drones Than You’d Think

It’s been almost 20 years since drones have become popular. By today, we’ve gotten used to the amazing videos and pictures that drones can take from a bird’s eye view.

A stunning view of a mountain's peak with clouds around it, captured with a drone.

Tihany Mountain Peak, Hungary

However, there’s much more happening in the drone space that might surprise you. From cleaning to spraying to custom use cases, these magical flying machines have almost limitless possibilities.

Cleaning Buildings with Drones

Cleaning drones are becoming increasingly widespread in construction. The picture below shows how an office building can be washed with modern drone technology.

Footage of ABZ Innovation’s C10 cleaning the facade of a building.

You may ask why this is a big deal. In the past, cleaning buildings required industrial climbers, which is a dangerous occupation. It involves a professional having to climb up the office building with the appropriate tools, and it is quite time-consuming.

The good news is that cleaning drones have arrived to help, and they can wash facades safely and efficiently without the risky undertaking.

A picture split into two sides; the left one depicting an industrial climber cleaning an office window from outside, and a drone doing the same on the rigtht. There is an arrow pointing to the drone from the person and the right side is much more vivid, while the left side is grey.

Drones can replace the risky work of industrial climbers in several situations.

But that’s not all. Nowadays, drones have tons of other use cases ranging from seeding to spraying to completely customized solutions to unique problems.

A vineyard being sprayed by a drone.

The ABZ Innovation L30 drone spraying a vineyard.

Planet-Saving Drone Spraying

Drone spraying has been around for a while, and it is changing agriculture for the better. Drones can reach better results than tractors by spraying more efficiently, with up to 90% less water and 50% less chemicals. And what’s crazy about this is that they do this for less money!

The picture shows how little water drones consume compared to tractors when spraying.

In this picture, you can see how many liters tractors vs drones use for spraying per hectare.

How Can Drones Do All This?

But how do drones achieve these almost unbelievable results? Well, they’re carefully designed to be safe and efficient. We’ve created an illustration to show you. The picture below introduces the main parts and functions of a spraying drone.

This picture is a detailed infographic showing the main parts of a spraying drone.

The main parts and functions of the ABZ Innovation L30 spraying drone.


Today, we explored the surprising ways drones are used beyond capturing stunning aerial footage. We highlighted their role in construction, where they started aiding the work of industrial climbers with safe and efficient ways to clean building facades. In agriculture, drones have been transforming spraying practices by using up to 90% less water and 50% fewer chemicals compared to traditional tractors, all while cutting costs.

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Drone spraying savings calculator
Spraying price comparison tractors vs drones